Wednesday, February 20, 2008
It just so happens I do not sleep with everything walking by. I happen to go on good connection. The amount or number, the classification, gender or the abnormality of me becoming intimate with someone is no one's business in all reality. I don't see a naked woman or a naked man. I don't think of myself getting the groove on. I just go with feelings and touch, moments of tension and lust, perhaps chemistry has something slightly to do with it, soul and love, peace and emotion, rhythm and vibe... Not this label bullshit. Ok so I'm a looser. I'm whatever you wanna call me. I'm a bitch. I'm a lover. I'm a child. I'm a mother. I'm a sinner. I'm a saint. I do not feel ashamed. I'm your hell. I'm your dream. I'm nothing in between. You know you wouldn't want it any other way. I'm an asshole and a cunt.I'm a jerk and a dyke. I'm a gypsy and a Goddess. I'm a wifey and a jock. I'm a woman and an educated voter. I'm a giver and a soul. I'm a face and a name. I'm a shopper and a shoe fanatic. I'm an artist and a coorporate geek. I'm a crazy bitch and an intelligent creature. I'm a smartass and a polite lady. I'm a freak and a hippy. I'm French and Native American. I'm stupid and adventurous. I'm colorful and thriving. I'm thristy for individuality and a couch potato. I'm good for nothing and I am on top of the world and can do anything! I'm some guys girlfriend and a drunk. I'm a pothead and a "druggie".haha right on people.. I'm a theif and a hard worker. I'm a beach bum and a city girl. I'm a country bumkin and a street J-walker. I'm an amazing friend and I suck at calling you back. I'm an amazing daughter and I always forget to come home. I'm such an amazing student and I'm also a great teacher but I've forgotten how to learn. I'm a breathing organism and a homo-sapien. I'm an angel and a conniving twit. I hate myself and I love myself. I'm a goodie too shoes and a rebel with a heart. I'm English and German mixed perhaps with some Irish, Italian and European influences. I'm a poser and a leader. I'm a friend and an enemy. I'm a lover most of all. I'm a giver above all. I'm a heart with no super glue and a mind with too many questions.

I'm a self esteem that is broken by your words. I'm a human being who isn't capable of trusting herself because I'm everything you want me to be. I am whatever you say I am. If I wasn't, then why would you say I am? So here it is. Laid out on the table. Right in front of you. All my thoughts.We're all a geek, a basket case, an athlete, a princess, and a criminal.You can label me all you want and assume. I figure if I say the worst even if it's not true I won't be shocked when you come out with more hurtful words against the wonderful woman I have worked so hard to become. At least I'm me. I'm not pretending to be anyone else for anyone else. I'm not labelling myself to get attention and people love me out there for whoever and whatever I am. Thank you for that my friends, my family. So I may face God someday myself but that is between me and God. He likes it when I swear and he thinks I'm funny.
~There's only one true judge and that's God, so chill, and let my father do His job~ Salt & Peppa

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