Have you ever sat at the edge of the ocean when the tide is coming in and out, letting the waves tickle your feet just when it's cold enough to see your own breath? The chill from the water, however painful, is so refreshing in the white light from the moon, reminding you what warmth was for as it crashes your senses into a catapault of guilt. For these simple things are unjust and forgotten along the horizon of every setting sun and road to every city. Majenta sways through the sky and releases all your fears and for once, for just one moment you are in love with the world all over again and you can breathe fresh air.
People wonder why I like the beach in fall. This is the only explanation I could muster because the water leaves me speechless. When the world never ends on the line of colors at dusk, it makes me feel so small. It reminds me of who I am and this powerful force of nature gives me peace with God. I won't find serenity in a four white walled room.Where time is endless I remain calm and if for one moment I could find peace with myself anywhere else I would admit the possibilities but have yet to find something as intimidating as the waves magnetism to my needs. Maybe someday someone will prove me wrong with love and a little piece of heaven on earth.
It makes me independent from any mankind and vulnerable to tears when no one is looking. It humbles my heart and lets my soul exhale yet it contradicts every thing about me that is subtle. It makes me want to stand and call the waves.I feel powerful to man and powerless to God. Come hither my serendipity.
I found these images on google search.
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