Friday, December 18, 2009

The New Commandments

-That cozy couch or bed you're lounging in, you complain about it's old because you've had it over a year. At least you've got a place to put it in. At least you worked hard and built up to get it and to have something to call your own. Instead of saying "I told you so Heidi" one person has told me "I'm proud of you. You didn't fail because at least you tried for your dream."
-That job you hate is at least a job. Respect yourself and your co-workers. Stubborn is an ill-suited quality.
-That cell phone you throw when you were mad, well it's your communication to important people in your life and it's essential but you smashed it against the wall anyway or you answer with a drawl of exasperation, like it is the most dreadful thing to smile when you say hello. Same goes for all your material things. Treat them well or don't have them at all.
-That cigarette you light costs you 30 cents. Don't complain you have no money for a movie ticket.
-That shirt on your back you just had to have yesterday at the store is a luxury. Try sewing your own clothes for a while. you'll appreciate every stitch instead of leave our things on the floor.
-The people who do not judge you, love you unconditionally and tell you everything will be alright you take advantage of, treat poorly and speak to unkindly. Even worse, perhaps you ignore or don't say thanks enough or give back. You don't have to give many monetary things to give back either. Hug your sibling and say I love you. Kiss your mom's cheeks every time you see her. Don't go to bed angry, ever. Apologize if you've offended or been rude or dampen their feelings, even if you don't think your actions did, you shouldn't intend to hurt them so apologize sincerely. Think about what you are apologizing for. Never go without talking in a stubborn way after a fight with a loved one. Talk it out even if it's inaccurate assumptions, get it off your chest. Don't loose a great thing because you were too arrogant to speak your mind. If you can't speak your mind effectively, respectively and honestly, they are not the friend or family you deserve so long as it's within the means of your heart.
-Instead of staying to fight as lovers when you are incredibly mad, take a walk, think, cool down and return when you can speak articulately and without derogatory connotations.
-That repetitive lecture from your mother about getting a job shows she cares about your well being. Don't argue, cuss, fight or yell back. Nod your head and say thank you or don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it.
-That car you drive is a minority. Enjoy pumping the gas instead of thinking it's a pain in the ass to get out. That one station that won't come in doesn't deserve a punch any more than you would if you didn't tune in sometimes. Let anger be a passion, not a verb.
-The freedom you obtain to say what you want, drive where you want, live how you want in your own home was never free. Listen tentatively. Be appreciative and smile at strangers. Say thank you and mean it. Hold the door for that old lady at the supermarket and tell her you think she looks beautiful today and mean it. Let that lady with a kid go first and don't steal someone's parking lot. Refrain from using profanity and vulgarity towards anyone. It's toxic to your demeanor.
-That respect you gain from others that makes you gloat is unattractive. Humility and humble nature creates benevolent intent. Blindly lead by laughter and love, grace and gentle understanding not selfish endeavors. It will be paid back to you. Do not make an award winning triumph for the audience to clap, do it for them to learn, receive a message or enlighten by.
-That hot shower you take every day for 30 minutes uses roughly 48 gallons of water.
That is roughly 768 cups of drinking water for a child who is dying of dehydration somewhere you've never heard of. Don't waste paper. Be careful with your penmanship. When they said the metaphor stop and smell the roses, they meant slow down enough to pay attention to details.
-That slow washer and dryer you complain about is better than some people's hands after washing all their clothes raw everyday whose become curled, peeling and fragile. Treat it with care and read the labels.
-That exercise you never bother with isn't that difficult to begin. Put down the controllers and shut down your lap top. It releases natural Endorphins.
-That movie you wanted to go see is still playing.
-When your father says I'm proud believe him and say thank you.
-When you don't have to ask for anything from anyone be proud of who you are, where you've been, what you've learned and never stop learning but this does not give you the right to boast or compare yourself to others. We all walk beside each other, not from above or below. Extend the knowedge and peace inside to others at all opportunities by showing and doing, not by saying. Words are only things we choose to define.
-The breeze from the window as you drive to work is a luxury. Most people in the world walk.
-If you are able to eat at LEAST 3 times a week, buy new shoes once a year or sleep in a bed at night, you are part of the world's 8% wealthy. Do NOT complain about being poor.
-Your mother making dinner is one of life's gifts. Always close your eyes with the first bite and do the dishes. Clean up after yourself especially as a guest.
-Your mother nagging you to take a walk with her doesn't take much time and maybe she wants to talk, not just walk briskly. Maybe she wants an excuse to watch the sun come up with you. You're lucky she is well enough to walk, never mind alive at all.
-Your paycheck is only a piece of paper. Loving what you do is the big secret to continually growing success, not stepping up or on others to achieve your own idolatry.
-Your dignity and poise is your most important asset above all else. Never say I do not care.
-Sleep is under-rated. Take naps whenever you can.
-Sex is more than a three letter Cardio work out. Try sustaining until you are aware what equipment you are given, including mind, body and spirit and how others operate. If you don't know what you are doing you could hurt yourself or others. It's a known fact in the gym. Try applying it to your love life's. You can't be a smoker and try to run.
-Love in all forms and accept love in all forms. Soul-mates come in all shapes and sizes. Be honest when you meet one and never let it go because of quarrels.
-That spring in your step is over rated. It does not make you stand out. Walk confidently with your chin straight, not up, your eyes straight ahead so you can see the future and the skies. Wear clothes that fit properly regardless of what the number.
-Self Confidence is two ridiculous words we choose to define. People with true confidence exude and radiate a glow, they do not say it at all.
-That 50$ in your pocket that you put through the wash twice because you
forgot about it could go to charity. Put your things neatly where they belong. It only takes a couple minutes to check your pockets and a glance both ways before crossing the street. Proceed with caution.
-That stupid hobby your dad wants you to do with him is on of the most rewarding, heart felt opportunities to shoot the shit with him. Take him up on it, even if you are
gluing a stupid bird house together for your mom.
-Your dad being able to pick you up and take you for a coffee is a gift. When your parents give you anything, always attempt to pay it forward. Never ever complain about the color of the ice cream, be grateful you got any.
-Trusting yourself enough to know what you want and stick to it is a constant adventure. No one is perfect and we are all likely to change our minds numerous times.
Make sure you are aware of your consequences and have weighed the pros and cons.
All of these things you all take for granted. You want to know what's been going on with me lately? I LOST LITERALLY EVERYTHING AT ONCE. How would you deal with that?
Here I am telling you to find the heart of life is good even though the sky is falling.
If the shit is hitting the fan get an umbrella or close your eyes because the fan never stops spinning. Don't freak out about things you can not control.

Now please everyone. Stop assuming anything about me and what's been going on in my life. Stop judging me. You have no idea where I have been, what I have learned and the very difficult struggle of becoming me. I have been muted by life in a way that doesn't happen to most. I am in awe and everyday no matter how much affects me or keeps coming I can't put down the bat.

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