Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Art- The Big Secret

(This is another one of my many theories I developed when I was talking to a friend. Thought I would share.)

The big secret to art is emotion-Raw, uninhibited passion- love, anger, sadness, glee sprawled out on a canvas in unethical ways or molded into a vision. Anything could be art and could be seen in an enlightening way. The most divine capability, creation, being put to use live in front of you or even by the simple sunrise. Brilliant really. Skin in the same context as canvas. It just has to be a moving, living piece. In the same way that words outline your imagination and music lifts your spirit, so art in all it's beauty, all it's vibrant color, dances with your soul.

I also tend to put sex into this category. That, perhaps, is why it captivates me as if I were to be able to, although it is impossible because the oils in my fingertips would ruin it, run my fingers along Starry Night and feel every texture, every stroke, every sway, every calloused mark. I would be in awe, completely entranced, seeing it would make me cry alone.

Art doesn't have to be a straight line or a portrait for it to be amazing. When you approach an art museum or stand in front of a tall sculpture or hear a symphony, sometimes it can say so, so much. Every line and detail was one of those creations, even if it's as boring as a huge bronze George Washington, it still radiates power, sophistication, unity and a billion other things that associate with a tall bronze man in charge.

Art is freeing and lightens the already dark world. Life would be really boring without liveliness, without color.

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