Sunday, September 13, 2009


I arched my back at the thought and shuddered beneath her. She was like a lioness on the prowl, a master, a carnivore in the night as the animal inside her grew, she nibbled and moaned up my neck, finally finding way to my lips. She kissed hard, pulling me in, taking my bottom lip in her mouth and pulling in and out, back and forth. Every hair on my body arose and from the pit of my stomach came a roaring, moaning, scratching desire. She bit down hard and released, tasting the faintest hint of metallic blood on my lips, she licked her own and suddenly pulled my hair hard from underneath my pin, extending my neck, arching my back in a half moon formation against the dim lit wall. Then as if I had any control left she whispered in my ear and I gasped immediately at the thought.
"Suck," and she stopped, breathing hard, "my," with long execution, "fucking", I tingled, "tongue." Shivers shot up my spine from the pit of my warm cavern and there was a sliding crash to the floor as I let go of my cup because her grip was intense. Without flinching, without moving, without loosing eye contact and without skipping a beat her cup crashed to the ground, wine rupturing all over the floor and part of my pants as if she had the final word.
My heart beat was racing while anticipating the next move, frightened in a sensual way not to move any muscle on my body. She lunged her face towards mine and as if we crashed like our cups, I was sucking, nibbling and pulling her tongue into my mouth. Her hands began to roam again in the heat as if we were struck with fever, flushing all over.
After a long pause of sucking the savory juices from her tongue I let go. She grabbed my shoulders with force, pulled me towards her and slammed me hard back against the wall, nearly screaming in a whisper;
"I," my mouth pasty with desire, "am", her words triggering my every breath, grabbing my chin with her palm and squeezing her thumbs into my cheek as to look her straight in eye, "your master."
My hands shook for it took everything I had not to fight back. I felt like a taunted kitty with a dangling string, purring and waiting quietly for the lunge, for the flavor, the quakes. Suddenly my hand reached out and I grabbed her ass, pulling her in close and kissed her firmly on the lips. She slammed me against the wall again by the shoulders and in an instant she headed for the door as if nothing happened. In complete silence, the door opened and shut behind her. She was gone. Blood rushed to my head and I dove for the door, fumbling with the knob I finally opened it wide and stepped out calling her name with a mischievous grin.
"Don't go. Please master. I didn't mean it I swear. I'll be a good girl." I said in a hurry.
She came from my right immediately, I hadn't seen her there and put her hands up to my face in a gentle way, suddenly cupping my mouth and slamming me back through the door, kicking it shut behind her.

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