For no reason I feel like rhyming
Quite frankly, I haven't a better timing
Sitting at my desk
wishing I could rest
and dream of a place I've never been
Far away, take me again and again
Where the wind blows under a sycamore tree
and there's fresh honey from a hive of bees
and dew on the grass
as I relax at last
and eat berries all day
where the song of the world takes me away

The silence of nature and peace
crickets and grass-
that creek while you sleep
and blue birds who sing in their nests
and hit solo's (they think they're the best)
a symphony of frogs and running water
the beat of their song, teeter totter
as the whispers from mother nature rock you to and fro
and you haven't a care in your tree, you breathe on bow

The electricity and sway in the nights sky
radiates magenta way up high
in a feild of dreams
where man can seem
to find a bit of heaven on earth
while digging his hands deep in the dirt

The worms come crawling at night
the flocks come low with delight
circling and sneering
they all come peering
at the feast all around
they dive to the ground

The wild horses run past
stopping only for grass
while the monkey bows down for healing
a huge outdoor meeting
they gather they're feast of fruits
and go crazy and mow on the loot

And over in the corner near a tree
is a lioness and her favorite three
she licks them clean after they play
and when they bite, she shoo's them away
atop a mountain, on the side of a rock
builds their home, a fortress in the dark

she roams to visit the being
hanging and sleeping
who has blueberries stuck to it's teeth
she spreads their arms for a reach
and plops her weight on their lap
licking and prodding the sweet sap
just like one of her cubs
but this one she also loves
because she finds her peace
in resting with a human beast

The elephant trumps by
watching for the little guy
who can barely walk
good thing he can't talk
as he leans with the wind
and momma begins to sing
to calm her new born baby,
just maybe
a soft sweet nearly distinct lullaby
as her baby continues to quiver and cry

A cougar perched on the branches
yelling at the zebra for being so rancid
and mocking the birds that flock below
taunting and haunting their house on the bow
while caressing her belly
she's just about ready
so hurry up, fall!
it's dinner already

The lion suddenly begins to rise
and take stance to her bird friend's demise
she calls to the cougar
"you better be smoother
I'll share with you dinner of fish
but my birdies are not a dish"

If we could live in a world with no hunger
maybe a little bit younger
where time is too long
and we make up our own songs
and funny shapes in the clouds
tell you stories out loud
that make you laugh to the pit of your stomache
if we could love without regretting heartache
because if there's no pain it's numb
and the world a blur just seems dumb
but to stop and smell the sycamore tree
and the roses perched so neatly
and the grass a little bit green
and our tongues actually clean
and our souls beware of the unseen
in the dark of the forest
and nature at it's best
working within our every step
when we weren't so scared of the dark
and wanted to play in the park
or cards on a rainy day
to shoo the hurt of life away
if we could all lay with the lioness and be cleaned
be thankful for the day well spent and redeem
a moment of peace
within a smile at least
and thank God for giving us this day
it might be a better place, far far away

I found these photo using google image search.
~ http://www.photographyblog.com/images/photo_of_the_week/11170906/The%20Old%20Sycamore%20Tree.jpg
~ http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.ibiblio.org/wm/paint/auth/rubens/daniel-lions-den.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.artchive.com/artchive/R/rubens/lions_den.jpg.html&usg=__fvo_y5rwyc2r7nvimQ5fQmy4NQM=&h=679&w=1012&sz=148&hl=en&start=77&tbnid=bhd2s6rFuMcLpM:&tbnh=101&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3DLions%26start%3D60%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN
~http://presbyterian.typepad.com/foodandfaith/2007/04/crying_over_blu.html -An amazing story about blueberries. You all should endulge. It's life changing. The sweet taste of fruit.
Above are the links to the pictures I found.
The painting is an Oil on Canvas by Peter Paul Rubens
called "Daniel in the Lion's Den"
The other is an amazing picture of my imaginary sycamore tree. Just to add some flair. :)
And another is a man hugging a white tiger. I simply couldn't resist!
Lastly, I used Google Image Search once again and stumbled on this
website; http://www.childrenshomeofrdg.org/ where I found the picture of the kids hands.
It's amazing and because of people like this, maybe it wouldn't be a better place far, far away.